We're sorry our service standard has fallen short of your expectations, or members of our team have not handled your concerns to your satisfaction.
We value open and honest communication, and your feedback is much appreciated. We'll escalate your feedback to our Customer Service Team who will acknowledge your feedback within 2 business days.
The time we take to resolve your feedback depends on the nature and complexity of the issue. We will formally investigate the matter and our investigation officer may contact you for an interview, if deemed necessary. We will provide you with a reply within 20 business days after the date of receipt of your feedback. If more time is needed, we'll get in touch with you to inform how soon you can expect to receive our reply and the reason for the delay.
If the outcome is not to your satisfaction, you can write to us to appeal and we'll respond to your appeal within 15 business days.
If we've not resolved your concerns to your satisfaction, you may approach the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd. (FIDReC) for assistance. FIDReC is an independent body for dispute resolution between financial institutions and consumers. For more information, visit www.fidrec.com.sg.